Agromed Pte. Ltd.

Bio Lure-Bio Trap

Bulk Attractants:

FT Trimedlure

FT Trimedlure is a complex mixture of isomers that form the male attractant for the Mediterranean Fruit Fly. FT Trimedlure meets or exceeds all USDA specifications and is most effectively used in control release dispensers such as FT TML Plugs, Wafers, and Panels.

FT Cuelure

FT Cuelure is an attractant for many male species of Batrocera including the Melon Fruit Fly and the Queensland Fruit Fly. FT Cuelure is 98% pure by GC.

Increased Chlorophyll level

Betaines present in Agrios reduce natural damage to the photosynthetic process, hence maintaining the chlorophyll content. This helps in keeping the leaves in good health and greener condition.

FT Methyl Eugenol

FT Methyl Eugenol is the male attractant for many species of Bactrocera Fruit Fly including the Oriental Fruit Fly and the Carambola Fruit Fly. It is most effectively used in control release dispensers such as the FT MeE Wafer. FT Methyl Eugenol is 98% pure by GC,

Control release Lures :

FT Methyl Eugenol

The FT Polymer Matrix is a proprietary formulation specifically designed to provide the maximum loading of active ingredient with the optimal release rate. The unique chemistry of the matrix allows the cross linking to be tightened or loosened depending on the release characteristics required and is custom formulated for each semio-chemical that is encapsulated.

FT TML Plugs

FT TML Plugs provide an economic and effective controlled release of 2 grams of FT Trimedlure over 4 to 6 weeks depending on weather conditions. Constructed using Farma Tech\'s proprietary polymer matrix, FT TML Plugs are typically deployed in Jackson Traps for monitoring male Mediterranean Fruit Flies.

FT TML Wafers

FT TML Wafers provide an economic and effective controlled release of 4 grams of FT Trimedlure over 6 to 8 weeks depending on weather conditions. Constructed using Farma Tech\'s proprietary polymer matrix, FT TML Wafers are designed to be deployed in the FT Wafer Trap for monitoring male Mediterranean Fruit Flies. FT TML Wafers may also be used in other standard traps.